The Centre For Psychology will be running a number of free courses in January-February-March 2023, all via Zoom. They are for any Surrey resident aged 17 or over. The groups they have coming up are:
+ Improving Self-Esteem, starting Thursday 12th January, 9:30-11:30am (for 8 weeks)
+ Sleep Difficulties, starting Monday 9th January, 4-6pm (for 4 weeks)
+ Coping with Worry and Low Mood, starting Thursday 19th January, 2:15-4:15pm (for 6 weeks)
+ Living well with Depression, starting Friday 10th February, 2:15-4:15pm (for 5 weeks)
+ Mindfulness, starting Monday 20th February, 9:30-11:30am (for 6 weeks)
+ Diabetes, starting Thursday 2nd March, 2:15-4:15pm (for 6 weeks)
+ Stress Management, starting Tuesday 7th March, 2:15-4:15pm (for 4 weeks)
+ Pain Management, starting Monday 13th March, 2:15-4:15pm (for 6 weeks)
The Centre for Psychology is a community of professionally qualified staff whose ambition is to promote psychological well-being and reduce psychological distress. More details can be found at