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Safeguarding/Privacy Notice


The Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information (personal data). This privacy notice lets you know how we look after your personal data which either you provide to us or we obtain and hold about you and it tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Our Privacy Policy can be found here

Alternatively, you can download it as a pdf, (above). You can also download our Safeguarding Policy.

The Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will:

  • promote the welfare of children, young people and adults
  • work to prevent abuse from occurring
  • seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused.

If you have any safeguarding queries please contact Catherine Heffernan, Circuit Safeguarding Administrator via safeguarding@weyvalleycircuit.org.uk. If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact your church safeguarding officer; alternatively, Pat Martin Seehusen and Andy Seehusen are the Circuit Safeguarding Leads and can be contacted via leadsafeguarding@weyvalleycircuit.org.uk

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