Hello, my name is Adam Payne. I have been blessed by being called as the minister to Godalming United Church.
My family and I are recent transplants to this country, having moved to Basingstoke at the end of 2018 to fulfill a long-time dream of living in the UK.
My wife (Kyla) and I are from the small town of Boonville in southern Indiana. I come from a long line of Methodist preachers on my mom's side – family legend holds that line goes back as long as the Methodist movement existed.
I became a Christian in high school, and experienced a call to ministry not long after that, attending the University of Evansville (Evansville, Indiana) and then Christian Theological Seminary (Indianapolis). In 2011, I was ordained as a Full Elder in the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. I have since served in the United Church of Christ, a "cousin-denomination" to the United Reformed Church.
I have a passion for making the church a welcoming and accessible place to all of God's people and helping non-Christians to see that church is still relevant, and God is still speaking, in a 21st-century world.
In December of 2018, Kyla was offered a job as an A&E nurse with the North Hampshire Trust in Basingstoke. Although we'd never heard of Basingstoke, we jumped on the opportunity to finally live our dream. Doing so meant putting my professional ministry on hold, but God led us to London Street United Reformed Church in Basingstoke, where I have been able to volunteer and help out during the past 18 months. At the beginning of 2020, I received my Certificate of Eligibility in the United Reformed Church and began the search process. In the meantime, I worked as a Team Leader for Hemmersbach, an international IT company, and then full-time at London Street URC as Communications Officer.
We have two daughters, Lizzy (12) and Molly (8). Lizzy is deeply into Doctor Who (just like her father) and all its spin-offs, while Molly's head is filled with "kitties, rainbows, and unicorns".
We are a family of dedicated Anglophiles who enjoy seeing historical sites, eating in pubs, and exploring our new country.
My off-duty day is Monday.