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Refugee Week

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It is Refugee Week 17th – 23rd June and World Refugee Day on Thursday 20th June. Helpful resources for worship, events and study can be found at www.methodist.org.ukand www.refugeeweek.org.uk. If you engaging with Refugee Week in any way, please could you feedback information to me, so news of your participation can be shared within the District at Synod.

I also want to publicise the All We Can Syria Refugee Appeal – currently every £ given will be doubled (up to a maximum of £5000, offered by a private supporter). The funds raised will be supporting a childcare centre and other children's work in Za'atari Camp, Jordan.

Please also note that the SE District Refugee and Interfaith Adviser website is now live – why not read the information at https://www.semethodistrefugeework.com. It can also be found on the Links section of the Circuit website

Many thanks.


Reverend Claire Hargreaves
Refugee and Interfaith Adviser
SE District The Methodist Church

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