The second round of Stationing matching takes places on December 3rd and 4th. Please pray for Rev John Hellyer, District Chair, as he attempts to resolve the District's staffing problems. The stationing matching process is complex and stressful for all concerned, so please do remember all the District Chairs, the Connexional representatives, and all others involved.
Please remember to give thanks in your prayers for those presbyters from our District who have been successfully matched, and the following circuits where a match has been made:
· Thames Valley
· West Sussex (Coast and Downs)
· Brighton & Hove
· Central Sussex United Area
Please remember those presbyters and deacons who have still to be matched, and the following circuits which are still seeking a presbyter:
· Thames Valley;
· Wey Valley;
· Redhill & East Grinstead;
· Hastings, Bexhill & Rye;
· Weald of Kent;
· North Kent.
With best wishes
Anne Haggarty
District Prayer Co-ordinator