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God's world and climate change

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On 19th January Fred Rowe's prayers of intercession focused on Sir David Attenborough's recent BBC interview in which he warned, "the moment of crisis has come".

'We more frequently now hear of reference to 'Our world' yet we know Lord it isn't our world it is 'your world'. As Christians we are in it as the stewards of your world expected to care for it on your behalf. Sir David tells us that the moment of crisis has come, Climate Change has reached a situation where it is an urgent problem that has to be dealt with now. We need to make life and death decisions. A young child sums it up with her placard – 'I am 14 years old and I want a future.' Do we follow the teaching of Jesus and love our neighbour, one only 14 years old? The blame game doesn't help. As Christians we have a God given responsibility. What are we doing about it? What is our church, our circuit, Methodist society as a whole doing about it? Guide us and all Christians worldwide dear Lord to find ways to set an example that will show where we stand at this critical time in a way that will make a difference'.

"Responding to climate change is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God's creation."
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

The environment is God's gift to everyone. And we have a responsibility towards each other to protect it. We cannot think of ourselves as isolated from others or from creation.

Our impact on the planet is reducing biodiversity, changing the climate, and polluting the earth.

Around the world, climate change is affecting food security, creating social vulnerability, and disrupting peace and security.

It is a global issue, but each of us can act and make small differences which together can make a BIG difference. We, you and me, need to act – and act now.

The good news is that almost every action you take will have a positive impact:
* Cutting down air pollution will improve health
* Saving energy saves you money
* Eating less meat and more vegetables is good for you
* Buying Fairtrade means a better deal for farmers

"Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation."
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Climate change is a complex subject and not an easy one to talk about. However, we need to engage in these conversations because climate change is the most crucial issue facing our generation. For many of us, the issue seems so big it's hard to imagine we can do anything to help. Others might assume the issue is being dealt with already by the UN, governments and aid agencies. There is a really useful little handbook that gives some useful tips on starting conversations about climate change and in doing so getting people to think (and act) on it more. You can download it here, (above).

So let's start some conversations. Please share what you and what your church is doing. Sue Howson will report back on what the Circuit is doing and more information about what the Methodist Church as a whole is doing can be found at

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