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Circuit Prayer Vigil

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The Circuit Mission Group invites all churches and church members to take part in a 24 hour Prayer Vigil which will take place over the weekend of 24/25 November 2018 commencing at 8.00am on Saturday 24 November and finishing at 8.00am on Sunday 25 November. It is hoped that all those preaching in circuit churches on Sunday 25 November will include a conclusion to this act of worship as part of their services.

This an event in which all may partake because it can be done from the comfort of your own home if you so wish. Each circuit church will be allocated some hours across the 24 hour period and they can decide how best to ensure that prayer takes place during that period. There is no prescriptive format or content although it is hoped that during each hour prayers will be said for our churches, circuit and the changes happening across our area of the district. It should not interrupt the busy Christmas activities of fayres, Christmas shopping, etc as this act of worship can fit around other activities.

Those praying can get together to pray, either at their home church, someone's house, a coffee shop or even out doors at a local beauty spot (weather permitting).

We do hope that you will all feel able to participate and sign up to this initiative: after all you can never have too much prayer! Your church Mission Group representative will have more details closer to the time plus the sign-up sheet for your allotted time slots. As in previous years an ''Aide Memoire' will be circulated for those who wish to refer to it.

Church reps for the Mission Group: Byfleet – Liz Swift, Cranleigh – Glenda Sewell,
Godalming – Janet Shaw, Guildford St Mary's – Nigel Campion-Smith, Knaphill – Lynda Shore,
Merrow – Joan Tabraham, Sheerwater – Carole Steele, Walton – Jeannette Curtis,
West Horsley – Celia Chapman, Weybridge – Linda Weedon, Woking – John Nelson

Circuit Map

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