Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come and the Circuit Prayer Vigil
God of wind and fire,
We pray for the coming of your spirit once again to move within the church,
Inspiring all your people to prayer and action in Jesus' name.
As we join with Christians around the world in the prayer movement Thy Kingdom Come,
we pray that all will hear clearly your message of love, and turn to you.
We ask your blessing on all who offer prayers and all who are prayed for during the Circuit Prayer Vigil.
May the fire of your love and the wind of your spirit
Move and inspire your church to share your love with all the world.
In Jesus' name Amen.
This prayer is for use during the days leading up to Pentecost and the global prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come, and also the Circuit Prayer Vigil which will take place over the Pentecost weekend.
on behalf of the Circuit Mission group.
Details for your church will soon be available from your Senior Steward or Prayer Coordinator.