The Learning Network Team for the Southern and Islands Region is proud to announce that they will be hosting a Bible Month training day on March 23rd 2019. They have an excellent speaker – Professor Jimmy Dunn – who will be known to many.
This will be the first time that they will be 'live streaming' one of their events. This offers the potential for less travel for participants and more options for ways to engage with the material.
Please read below and follow the links to find out more about this exciting opportunity and to book your place at the live event or for one of the live streaming options.
Bible Month is an opportunity for churches and circuits to spend 30 days focused on a single biblical book. In 2019, Bible Month will focus on the epistle to the Colossians.
By focusing on a single biblical book, Bible Month will enable churches to engage more deeply with Scripture. Bible Month has proved to be effective in raising biblical literacy, and the majority of those who have taken part in the past were keen to hold another Bible Month in the future!
Bible Month involves two key elements:
1. Preachers preparing and preaching a series of sermons on Colossians over the four Sundays of June.
2. Small group leaders running a 'Bible Month' group that focuses on Colossians, but which also helps those attending engage the Bible in fresh and innovative ways.
The training days sits alongside the Bible Month Magazine and the resources available on the Methodist website, or through Methodist Publishing. You can find out more about Bible Month here.
Training Days
There are three Bible Month training days happening in our region, all taking place on the 23rd March, between 10am and 4pm.
Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmund's Church St, Salisbury SP1 1EF.
Bring your bible and a packed lunch. Refreshments provided. There is no charge.
You can find further details and book tickets here.
United Church Cade Road, 76 Kingsnorth Rd, Ashford TN23 6HU.
This will include Jimmy Dunn's session live streamed from Salisbury, workshops in the afternoon, and a Q&A session in which you will be able to participate live streamed from Salisbury at about 3pm.
Bring your bible and a packed lunch. Refreshments provided. There is no charge.
You can find further details and book tickets here.
St Paul's Methodist Church Crawley, Woodfield Rd, Crawley RH10 8ER.
This will include Jimmy Dunn's session live streamed from Salisbury, workshops in the afternoon, and a Q&A session in which you will be able to participate live streamed from Salisbury at about 3pm.
Bring your bible and a packed lunch. Refreshments provided. There is no charge.
You can find further details and book tickets here.
If you would like to link into the Live Stream from home, or privately, please book a ticket hereand we will be able to keep in contact and give you the necessary details.
This year we are very fortunate to have Dr James D.G. Dunn, also known as Jimmy Dunn, to lead this training day.
"James Dunn, also known as Jimmy Dunn, is a British New Testament scholar who was for many years the Lightfoot Professor of Divinity in the Department of Theology at the University of Durham, now Emeritus Lightfoot Professor. He has a PhD and DD from the University of Cambridge. In 2002-03, Dunn was the President of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, the principal international body for New Testament study. In 2006 he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy.
In 2004 a Festschrift was published dedicated to Dunn, comprising articles by 27 New Testament scholars, on The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins . In 2009 another Festschrift was dedicated to Dunn for his 70th birthday, on Jesus and Paul, consisting of two forewords by Richard B. Hays and N. T. Wright and 17 articles all written by his former students who went on to have successful careers in both academic and ministerial fields around the world.
Dunn is especially associated with the New Perspective on Paul, along with E. P. Sanders and N. T. Wright. Dunn has taken up Sanders' project of redefining Palestinian Judaism in order to correct the Christian view of Judaism as a religion of works-righteousness. One of the most important differences to Sanders is that Dunn perceives a fundamental coherence and consistency to Paul's thought. He furthermore criticizes Sanders' understanding of the term justification, arguing that Sanders' understanding suffers from an "individualizing exegesis".
He is a minister of the Church of Scotland and a Methodist local preacher and has worked broadly within the Protestant tradition."
Bible Month Magazines
The Bible Month magazine, Bible Month 2019, is now available to download electronically or purchase as a hard copy.