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24hr Circuit Prayer Vigil

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The Wey Valley Circuit 24 hour prayer vigil commences at 8.00am on Saturday 24 November and continues until 8.00am on Sunday 25 November.

Please find attached the timetable, which on this occasion commences at the south end of the circuit, and the 'Aide Memoire' use of which is optional but may help to frame prayers. It is hoped that each hour those who pray will include prayers for the church which precedes them and the church which follows.

Prayer may take any form and be conducted in any venue – indoors or out- but we endeavour to achieve 24 hours of continuous prayer. It may be conducted 'solo' or in groups.

Wishing you all a blessed time of communion with God and each other.

Linda Weedon

Circuit Prayer Vigil Aide Memoire, November 2018

The Mission Group has been requested to update the Aide Memoire for use by the churches for the 24 Prayer vigil, 24/25 November 2018. This is not prescriptive, merely and aid to guide prayer if required.

Prayer needs:

Pray for our circuit at this time. We place the situation with Stationing in God's hands, praying that God will lead a new presbyter to fulfil the vacancy at Sheerwter and Woking and provide full support for the circuit staff. Pray for the circuit staff (ordained and lay), their families and their health, as they continue to serve us cheerfully and willingly despite the additional calls on their time and resources. Pray for our supernumery ministers who are willing go the extra mile to support the reduced staff team in many ways.
Pray for the Circuit lay officers as they comtinue to serve whist seeking new volunteers to fulfil vacant positions.
Pray for our circuit adminstrator as she juggles all the disperate jobs required to keep the circuit running smoothly and the chuches informed and up to date.
Pray for members from all the 13 churches, that a sprirt of unity is sown and nurtured to work together towards implementing the Circuit Mission statement. That members show interest and concern for the affairs of all the sister churches as we move towards a feeling of family and communion with each other and a greater understanding of what it means to be a 'connexional' church and the support this gives.
Pray for all the Christmas activities, both religious and secular, and services in all the circuit churches as we aim to spread the good news of the birth of Christ and remind people of the true meaning of Christmas.
Pray for the circuit Mission Supper in February 2019 and the visit of Jean Kerr in March 2019.
Pray for the continued work of Rev Claire Hargreaves with the Syrian refugees, that she may continue to find ways in which we can provide practical help and support.

Please pray for Rev John Hellyer as he comes to the end of his service as District chair and pray for Rev David Hinchliffe as he takes over the role in September 2019. Pray for all the district lay officers who give immense time and effort to the life of the District.


Please pray for the aging congregation and all the sterling work they continue to do to raise the awareness of God in the local community. Pray that new and younger people may be attracted to the church. Pray for the continuing work required on the building. Pray for the Ministry of Rev Sydney Samuel Lake.

Pray that the congregation may hear and understand God's plan for the future mission of Byfleet Methodist Church. Pray that during the consultation period with the architect, church members will be willing to share their dreams and concerns for the future. Pray that the Appreciating Church 'sessions' will help the congregation see and understand all the positive possibilities for the ongoing life of the church.

Please pray for the church as it continues to meet and worship whilst the major re-building work is in progress. Pray for the other denominations who are providing help and support during this time of upheaval. Enthuse and invigorate the various committees working on plans for the future mission of our church. Increase our 'talents' to rise to the challenges facing us.

Pray for continued unity and understanding amongst the congregation. Pray for the church as it seeks to find a new presbyter after the retirement of Rev Paul Hulme in summer 2019. Pray for the continued Mission work with the Whitechapel Mission and the success of the annual pantomime in February 2019.

Guildford – St Mary's
Please pray for our energies to be focused, coordinated and directed on achieving our goal of growing St Mary's mission activities, worshipping community and ecumenical involvement. Pray for understanding and altruism with property initiatives. Please also pray for the care of our elderly and vulnerable, and for more volunteers to help with transport to worship and fellowship meetings.

Pray that the Clothing Bank may be able to reach more people who are in need of support.
For the success of two new ventures at Knaphill – the Afternoon Tea with Carols on Sunday 9th December 2018 and the Children's Party on Saturday 5th January 2019.
For all at Knaphill who work so hard to sustain the life and worship of the Church and are also seeking to discern new ways to reach out to the community – that they may have faith and energy.

Please pray for us and our partnerships with other Christians as we seek to share the love of Christ with those in our local community. Give thanks for the faithfulness, creativity and energy of our church members.

St Michaels Sheerwater
Give thanks for the ministry of Rev Gillaine Holland. Pray that a new presbyter will be found but give thanks for the time and support of Rev Peter Hills.


Pray for the community at Stoughton, giving thanks for the energy and commitment of all those involved in fundraising so that the church may continue to provide a welcome and witness in the area.

Trinity Woking
Please pray for the Foundry Project, for the energy, enthusiasm and commitment which will be needed to ensure that the missional goals are reached. For Messy Church and all the work which is centered around children and families. For the church congregation as they await with prayer a new presbyter, giving thanks for the work of Rev Barrie Tabraham and Rev Allan Taylor as they provide support to the church community.

We would ask for prayers for Rev Sydney Samuel Lake as he works with three churches to bring his own very special faith to us. Pray for his desire to re- start a men's group. Pray for a planned away day in February to look at appreciating church, with a view to having a forward and outward looking plan. Prayers for wisdom for the congregation as they seek practical ways in which we can be the salt and light of the gospel to the people of Walton.
Pray for the visits on Sunday afternoons to sing hymns in Old People's Homes. Pray for Messy Church which re-started in September. There have been a few changes with the team and Jeannette would ask for your prayers for both the team and the families.
Our preparations for a new youth worker are going well, at the moment, and we ask for your prayers that the right person will be found.

West Horsley
Please pray for the Carol Praise event in December to be an outreach event. Pray for the continued work to support charities, both locally and nationally. For the local work around the food bank.
Pray for and give thanks for all our loyal members who are serving so faithfully to ensure that all necessary duties, both in the church and the local community, are fulfilled with willing service.
Pray that the green shoots of new growth in the congregation grow into healthy relationships and give thanks for the increased numbers on a Sunday morning. Pray for the wok of Rev Sydney Samuel Lake, that he may nurture these new shoots whilst also nurturng, leading and inspireing the congregation in new mission and out reach. Please pray for the continued work of the Bedding & Clothes bank, that those in need wiill come. Pray for the outreach to the community with support for the local 'old Folks' club. Pray for the Reverse Advent initiative this December, that we can suport the food bank as they try to provide a better Christmas for those families in need. Pray for all those who use the premises for whatever reason; that they may be mindful that it is God's house.

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