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Online Worship – What Are We Learning?

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Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, Instagram. . . laptop, tablet, phone. . .
. . . from full studio broadcast worship to short reflections from our lounges and
kitchens. Live, pre-recorded, or a mix of both. . .

Worshipping online is not new – but, for many, it has become a more significant feature of our
spiritual lives since the onset of Covid-19. It has been a support for those already involved in a
local church. It has also offered a way of meeting others who may not normally step across a
church threshold.

The Connexional Team in partnership with Singing the Faith Plus is looking to share the best
experiences of creating worship and community online.

We want to draw on lessons that have been learnt right across the connexion – the patterns that
have evolved, the mistakes made, the changes put in place and the opportunities for the future.
If your church or circuit is reviewing worship as lockdown eases, we invite you to join with a
series of events in early autumn. We will be offering opportunities for you to gather, online, to
share your experiences and learn from others experiences, exploring three questions:

  • How does online worship reflect our Methodist values and priorities?
  • What online platforms and techniques work best for sharing and engaging in Methodist worship in different contexts?
  • How can technology help our online ministry and worship?

To register your interest and find out more
information please contact Gabriella Mahadeva mahadevag@methodistchurch.org.uk

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