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Green Christian Magazine

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The current Green Christian Magazine (Autumn 2020) is online!

Green Christian magazine is an important means of Green Christian sharing its vision, enthusiasm and concerns. In the past members have been encouraged to recycle the magazine not by putting it in the recycling bin but by leaving it at their church or giving to an interested friend – with all the time and effort involved in its production, not to mention printing costs it would be a shame for it to be discarded so quickly!

Current restrictions on displays of printed matter in churches, as well as concerns about quarantining, have meant that print copies cannot be easily shared at the moment. Therefore, just for this issue, the full Green Christian magazine will be available online.

The latest issue is particularly relevant to the Coronavirus pandemic. See:

Rowan Williams on "Being Human in a time of pandemic",
Radhika Bynon writes on "Climate, Covid and Racism" and
Miriam Stoate considers "being church" at this time.

Also discussed is how this "Kairos moment" could be an opportunity to reconfigure our society, economy and values around what matters most – well-being for all, including the ecological health of the Earth.

So please take a look, enjoy and share. If you'd like to join Green Christian as a member, and receive a hard copy of the magazine, click here

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