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Threads Through Creation

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A wonderful bible based art show at Guildford Cathedral ...

Eight million stitches expressing God's love!

'Threads through Creation' is an extraordinary, uplifting art exhibition at Guildford Cathedral, on show from 10th September to 16th October as part of a nationwide tour of 20 cathedrals.

It took Christian textile artist Jacqui Parkinson three years -- and eight million stitches!

The show consists of twelve beautiful silk panels re-imagining the story of creation from Genesis. You've read it in black and white -- now see it in amazing colour! The panels are huge (2.7m high, up to 3.5m wide) and quite awe-inspiring.

It's a great opportunity for sharing with friends -- and there'll be some interesting conversations! Everyone comes out buzzing ...

Admission free.

See www.creation-threads.co.uk and www.guildford-cathedral.org

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