Every year we need to make sure that the parish Electoral Roll is up to date in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which this year will be held after the morning services on April 3rd.
The Electoral Roll is more than about allowing you to vote in the Church of England. It is a way of saying 'I Belong'. The Church of England uses Electoral Roll numbers to understand the strength of the Church.
To be on the Electoral Roll you have to
* live or worship in the parish
* be 16 years or older
* and have been baptised in an approved church which includes Methodists and Roman Catholics (all welcome!)
If you are already on the Electoral Roll then you will have been sent an email and you do not have to do anything unless your details have changed. If you would like to join the Electoral Roll then please fill in an online form which is accessible from the parish website. If you would rather fill in a paper form then there are forms at the back of the church. Please see a warden.
Please note that this applies to only lay people. Methodist Ministers will be deemed by the Connexion to have resigned if they register!