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South-East District Networking Day on Refugees, Migrants & Displaced Persons

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refugees welcome

Thursday 26th May 2022

Redhill Methodist Church, Gloucester Road, Redhill, RH1 1BP

Redhill Station is 5 minutes' walk away. Gloucester Road NCP car park is opposite the church.

On Thursday 26th May Rev Hazel Forecast is holding a Networking Day at Redhill Methodist Church for anyone directly involved in the various initiatives to help refugees, migrants and displaced persons around the District, and for representatives from any Circuit or church that is exploring the possibility of starting something new.

Refreshments available from 11.00

11.30 Worship & general introductions

11.45 Fuller introductions and discussion in groups according to the county you are in

12.30 Feedback

1.00 Lunch

1.45 Discussion in groups according to the type of initiative you're involved/interested in

2.30 Plenary – Feedback
Purpose & timescale of any future meetings

2.50 Closing prayers
3.00 Close

Register to attend by emailing Rev Hazel Forecast at hazel.forecast@methodist.org.uk. Please say which Circuit, Church, group or project you are part of.

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