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Safeguarding Webinars

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safeguarding webinar

Beginning next month, the South East, Southampton and Channel Islands Districts – in conjunction with the Learning Network – bring to you a programme of safeguarding Webinars.

We will begin by considering online safety with e-safety expert, Karl Hopwood.

The Webinar is being run twice:
Wednesday 10th February 19:00 – 21:00
Thursday 11th February 9:30 – 11:30

Booking for the event is available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/safeguarding-online-safety-webinar-tickets-131881407841

About this Event

Over recent months we've become more aware than ever of the opportunities and challenges of connecting online. The South East Region Safeguarding Officers invite you to join us for a webinar on online safety where we will explore:

. An overview of online safety and social media; including an update on current threats (national and regional)
. Online safeguarding in the church context: with particular focus on children, young people and older people, and Methodist Church safeguarding policies
. Good practice for ministers, lay workers, volunteers, supervisors or line-mangers, or those who are part of a management /oversight group.
. Breakout Room discussions: Looking at case studies related to children/ young people and older people, and discussing how to respond to concerns, and the aftermath/consequences for the individual, their family and friends, the church and the wider community.
. Final Plenary: Q & A with Karl Hopwood, Jane Fisher (Southampton District and Channel Islands District Safeguarding Officer) Philippa Read (South East District Safeguarding Officer).

Who should come to this Learning Network event?

This webinar is for those involved in Methodist Churches in the South East Region (Southampton, South East & Channel Islands Districts). This webinar is a must for anyone involved in any way in online communication in the church, but is highly recommended for:

. Superintendents
. Ministers
. Lay workers (including Youth, Children and family workers and pastoral workers)
. Safeguarding officers
. Circuit and church stewards,
. Local preachers and worship leaders,
. Volunteer Children's, Youth & Families Workers
. Anyone working in a supervisory, support, or management capacity with lay workers.

What if I'm not ordained, not employed by a church, a volunteer or from another denomination?
We welcome all! Whether you're paid or volunteer, lay or ordained or from another denomination, we'd love you to come and participate!

How much does this training event cost?
This event is free to anyone – just register and you'll receive joining instructions for the webinar.

If you have any technical queries about registering for or joining the event, please contact Learning Network officer, Jon White whitej@methodistchurch.org.uk

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