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Safeguarding training

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With much hard work from Connexional and Regional Safeguarding Teams and the Learning Network, there is now an online version of the Advanced Module of Creating Safer Space, our higher-level safeguarding training.

In the Southern & Islands Region, we are releasing around 900 spaces of capacity for this course between September 2021 and Feb 2022, delivered by a dedicated volunteer team of trainers from across the Southampton and South East Districts, and the first tranche of 300+ tickets are now available.

To book just visit our Eventbrite page.

The course has 2 segments:

1. An e-Learning section, delivered online using our virtual learning environment (VLE) TheologyX. This section can be completed in 4-7 hours, and we deliberately offer you 3 weeks to complete this component of the course.
2. A 2-hour interactive session on Zoom to take part in practical exercises, consolidate learning and for participants to ask any questions they have

Course Aims

The Advanced Module will enable participants to consolidate and develop their previous safeguarding learning and:

  • Explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church
  • Further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the Church and community
  • Extend your understanding of responding well to different groups within the Church community.

Who should come to this training?

Safeguarding is at the core of our commitment to make safe all of our worshipping communities across the Methodist Church. Below is a list of all who should attend this training:

Core List – Required Attendance

  • Safeguarding Officer – District
  • Safeguarding Officer – Circuit
  • Safeguarding Officer – Church
  • Members of the District Safeguarding Group
  • Members of the District Policy Committee
  • All presbyters or deacons with an active preaching or pastoral ministry (including supernumerary ministers)
  • Those who are in paid employment or a voluntary role which includes leadership within the Methodist Church, involving direct work with children, young people or vulnerable adults
  • Lay persons who are appointed to exercise pastoral leadership within a local church
  • Local preachers Local Preachers should enrol and complete the Advanced Module at the earliest opportunity after receiving a Note to Preach and completing the Foundation Module. Both modules must be completed by the end of the second year of training and before their second interview on trial, whichever occurs first.
  • Worship leaders should enrol and complete the Advanced Module at the earliest opportunity after commencing training and completing the Foundation Module. Both modules must be complete by the end of the second year of training and before their appointment by the Church Council, whichever occurs first.
  • Those who deliver the Foundation Module October 2019
  • Members of the Connexional Complaint Panels, Discipline Committees, Pastoral and Appeals Committees
  • Those in recognised roles involving pioneering, fresh expressions or evangelism
  • Mentors for the Youth Participation Scheme
  • Members of the Safeguarding Committee

Warmly invited but not mandatory

  • Supernumerary ministers apart from those who have an active preaching or pastoral ministry
  • Specific groups not required to attend the whole module should attend training covering specific sections eg volunteers in direct work with children, young people or vulnerable adults.

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