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Pension Reserve Fund

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In response to the actuarial valuations of the Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme and the Pension and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees of the Methodist Church, the Conference of 2021 passed the following resolution. "The Conference asks every church, Circuit and District to consider giving freely, generously and according to their ability, towards a target of 15% of all balances held across the Church (which equates to £45m of the estimated £300m balance) to provide additional contributions to the Pension Reserve Fund and to transfer the funds to the Connexion by 31 December 2021."

The background to this ask can be found in the Conference Report Pension Scheme Actuarial Valuation and more details can be found at:
https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/finance/pension-reserve-fund/ and includes 'frequently asked questions' that provide more information to the request and the process to follow when making contributions.

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