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Keith Beckingham's Pastoral Letter

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Here is Keith's weekly pastoral letter from last week along with the weekly services and home services sheets.

Keith also wrote:

As an increasing number of our churches are holding gathered worship, or blended worship or are considering their options, let us pray for wisdom as we negotiate the complex and sometimes contradictory guidance on offer. It is always good to receive feedback on the pastoral mailing. Thank you to everyone who has expressed appreciation. One or two people have asked if we will be continuing this service. This is an open question, although I do think that it would probably be premature to stop just now.

In addition to the attached reflection, I would like to offer my congratulations to Allan Taylor. After many years service he has now retired from his NHS hospital chaplain post at the Royal Surrey Hospital. I am sure his caring work there has been much appreciated as is his continuing contributions to the life of the circuit. It has been good for the circuit to have a link with the pastoral work at the hospital and I know that this has been especially appreciated by members of the circuit who, for whatever reason, have found themselves as in-patients. You will want to join me in wishing Allan well at this milestone.

Cranleigh Methodist Church can now rejoice in the completion of the restoration of their hall following the roof problems. I know the members there would want me to reiterate their appreciation for the help of the circuit in financing this. Without the Circuit's help some unpalatable choices would have been required. However, there is a real vision for mission in England's largest village, including the provision of a baby clothes bank and a project to service hearing aids.

I know many of us have found the last six months very wearing, but let us especially remember in prayer our friends who live or work in residential care homes or nursing homes (and their families) for whom it has been an especially difficult time.

I also do give thanks to God for everyone who is sustaining worship and fellowship in our local churches in various ways, as appropriate to each local church.

Every blessing,


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