Learning Network Yorkshire Plus is hosting an on-line retreat led by Inderjit Bhogal on "Hospitality and Sanctuary for All" on Wednesday 23rd March. 9.30am – 4.30pm.
Explore the joys and challenges of working with refugees using biblical themes such as hospitality, welcome and sanctuary.
Inderjit is a retired Methodist Minister, and the Founder and President of the City of Sanctuary network and movement. He is a former President of the Methodist Conference, and former Leader of Corrymeela Community. He is currently working with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland to develop and promote the Church of Sanctuary network and movement. He has recently published the book 'Hospitality and Sanctuary for All', available from Churches Together in Britain & Ireland.
For more information, please visit www.inderjitbhogal.com
If you would like to join this free event please register via the Eventbrite link at: