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Family Information Service

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The links below are for the Family Information Service websites – advice, information and online courses for families can be found on these, as well as the directories of services:

Family Information Service (support for children and young people and their families): https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/children/support-and-advice/families

Surrey Local Offer (for children and young people with additional needs): https://www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk/

For those services that are not on the Family Information Service directory, entries can be created at the following link: https://familyinformationdirectory.surreycc.gov.uk/kb5/surrey/fsd/edit_service.page

If there are any queries in regards to writing an entry for the directory, or for services that already have an entry and would like to update it, you can contact the FIS Advisors at surrey.fis@surreycc.gov.uk

The Family Information Service has a number of social media accounts:
used to advertise services and make people aware of events that are taking place, as well as posting helpful advice/services/links that could be of benefit for families and their children and young people.

The Community Connector newsletter that is produced, to share other services and information for families can be found at:

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