Kate Little from the Connexional Safeguarding Team is taking the lead on a new project regarding dementia. She says:
I am about to start work on an exciting new project to think about how we can support our churches (not only the buildings, but also worship, outreach and the church community) to become more "dementia-friendly". Our church communities are aging and dementia is an issue which must affect many people. Although this isn't solely a safeguarding matter, there isn't currently an official lead within the Connexional Team on dementia, older people's issues or vulnerable adults. Therefore, as a first step towards beginning this work, I am hoping to gather together a working group of interested people to assist me with this task.
If you, or anyone you know within your circuit, would be interested in finding out more, please contact:
Kate Little littlek@methodistchurch.org.uk
The Connexional Safeguarding Team, in conjunction with Pathways Through Dementia, are running a one hour webinar:
Tuesday 16 February 11am – 12pm
Understanding Dementia and the support available facilitated by Sara Wilcox, the founder and CEO of Pathways through Dementia
Topics include:
For further information and to book a place, please contact:
Kate Little littlek@methodistchurch.org.uk