This year's Circuit Mission Supper is on Saturday 4th March at Trinity Methodist Church.
The start time is 6.00pm for 6.30pm.
The cost is £10 per person for a lovely 2 course meal and a very interesting talk on the theme of "Mission", in its widest sense.
This year, our speaker is Rev Hazel Forecast, District Refugee, Displaced Persons and Migrant Officer'. She was appointed in November 2021. Her role is to provide advice, encouragement and support across the District in this area of work and ministry. She will be offering some statistics and definitions on refugees and migration; Biblical perspectives both on the experience of people on the move and on those taking them in; and what is happening around the district and possible next steps.
We are trying to eco-friendly and so, please remember to bring your own napkin, plate, bowl, knife, fork and spoon and a cup or mug.
It is essential that we know how many people are coming so that we can cater properly so, we ask that one representative of each Church would:
Please complete all bookings by Monday 27th February 2023.
Whilst Trinity will arrange the savory course, would each church please bring sufficient deserts to cater for those coming from that church, with a few helpings spare!
As in previous years, the free parking concession from Woking Borough Council will NOT be available but the Brewery Road car park is very convenient and not too expensive during evening times.
Circuit Mission Group