This week's Circuit Letter is written by Rev Dave Faulkner. It is attached along with the Vine at Home service sheet.
Help with Mission Planning
The Evangelism and Growth Team, in collaboration with the Learning Network, offer monthly 'mission planning surgeries'. Circuits and churches can book a two-hour slot during which they receive input tailored to their particular context. You could use this time to help you think through a knotty issue, to ask for specific guidance, or to find out about people and resources in your local area who can continue to accompany you in your mission planning. Ideally a few representatives from a circuit or church team would attend together so that the input from the surgery would be shared among the team.
Surgeries are held at a range of different times of day and on different days of the week, in order to be as accessible as possible to a wide a range of people. Here are the rest of the dates for 2023:
Wednesday 8th March, 1-3pm
Monday 17th April, 7.30-9.30pm
Thursday 4th May, 10am-12noon
Friday 9th June, 1-3pm
Monday 3rd July, 7.30-9.30pm
Tuesday 5th September, 1-3pm
Thursday 5th October, 10am-12noon
Wednesday 8th November, 7.30-9.30pm
Planning surgery slots can be booked online here