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Circuit Letter 4.1.23

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This week's Circuit Letter is written by Rev Barrie Tabraham. It is attached along with the Vine at Home service sheet. The Methodist Church Worship at Home service sheets have now been discontinued.


The Methodist Church is committed to 'Justice, Dignity and Solidarity'. We believe that all people are uniquely made in the image of God, and we aim to live this out in the Church and in our communities. Resources to help you become part of this work which is a crucial part of the Gospel of God's love in Jesus Christ can be found at https://www.methodist.org.uk/about-us/the-methodist-church/the-inclusive-methodist-church/

And finally, attached is the solution to the riddle I posed before Christmas – armed with the answer why not take another look and see how easy it actually was – when you put your mind to it!

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