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Circuit Letter 28.6.23

This week's Circuit Letter is written by Rev Dr Paul Glass. It is attached along with the Vine at Home service sheet.

Resources/Good News

World Wellbeing Week 2023

Held annually during the last week in June, World WellBeing Week provides the opportunity for participants worldwide to celebrate the many aspects of wellbeing, from meaningful, purposeful work to financial security, physical, mental and emotional health, social resilience and empathic corporate and civic leadership, community relations and care for the environment. To read more about it, have a look at World Wellbeing Week 2023 and for a useful resource, have a look at the NHS Guide to 5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing.

On the same theme but more local, nature walks take place every Friday in Woking. For more information, please see the flyer in the Circuit letter.

Circuit Map

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