This week's Circuit Letter is written by Rev. J. Allan Taylor. It is attached along with the Vine at Home service sheet.
Carer's Rights Day is a national event when unpaid carers are encouraged to learn about their rights and ensure they get all the support they need.
Across the week around Carers Rights Day, Action for Carers Surrey are running Carer Information Fairs which are drop-in events at Carer Hubs in locations across Surrey.
Please visit Action for Carers Information Fairs to learn more. There are fairs taking place in some of our church locations, including Woking, Cranleigh, Addlestone and Guildford.
Venue: Walton on Thames Methodist Church
Date: Sunday 26 November at 4.00pm (please note the earlier start)
Service Timings: 4:00pm for Pudding! 4:30pm to 5:30pm for Praise!
Theme: "What lights your Fire?"
Service Led by Dave Paterson with worship by Breeze.