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The Brigitte Trust – New Bereavement Support Groups

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The Brigitte Trust is running free structured 8-week bereavement programmes run by a professional facilitator for anyone in Surrey struggling with their own grief and bereavement. The sessions are limited to a maximum of 12 people and will be offered in different parts of Surrey according to need.

The aims of the programme are to:

  • provide support with focus
  • encourage mutual support
  • share experiences
  • learn new coping strategies
  • develop some altered thought patterns

Programme Dates

Friday, 10 Mar – 5 May 2023, 10.00 – 12.00 pm (excl. Good Friday, 7 April)

Wednesday, 8 Mar – 26 Apr 2023, 10.00 – 12.00 pm

Further session dates will be announced. See https://www.brigittetrust.org/

For more information or to book a place contact Sarah Pattenden on 07469 932192 or email sarah.pattenden@brigittetrust.com

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