Three ArtServe Christmas cards, all by members, are available in packs of 10 for £5.50 including p&p. Special offer: any 3 packs for £11 including p&p.
Star: Designed by Anita Collier. Greeting "Wishing you joy at Christmas" with text of Matthew 1:21.
Peace: Designed by Kenneth Twist. Greeting "With every blessing for Christmas and the year ahead".
Candles: Photo by Jacqui Hicks. Greeting "With every blessing for Christmas and the year ahead".
You can pay online by bank transfer, emailing details of your order, including your name and full address, to Please include a phone number in case of queries.
Payment to: account no. 71872907, sort code 40-07-13, account name ArtServe (it is a business account if Confirmation of Payee asks for those details).
If you are unable to order online then write, including a cheque payable to ArtServe, to 4 Gracious Street, Whittlesey, Peterborough, PE7 1AP. Orders will be posted out one working day after receipt, but please make sure you order in good time for Christmas.